a united voice for mothers who have lost their children to adoption. |
Council of Natural Mothers
Canadian Council The Canadian Council of Natural Mothers honours using the terms, mother, mothers and motherhood as natural representations of ourselves and other mothers who have lost children to adoption. These natural terms are often denied to us by others in the loss of our babies and children to adoption. We recognize that some mothers choose to use labels of differentiation such as life mother, first mother, birth mother or birthmother, and birth parents. Also, some choose to use labels of differentiation for other natural relatives, such as birth father, natural father, birth son, birth daughter, and birth siblings.
© The Canadian Council of Natural Mothers |
Conseil canadien des mères naturelles CCMN Le volet
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nous vous offrons toutefois la possibilité de télécharger
une version française de documents tels que la Déclaration
des Droits, les articles et les politiques du CCNM. N'hésitez pas
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ajouté aux documents à télécharger. |